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League Rules

Article I. General


Section 1. Name

The name of the Corporation shall be Danvers Boys Travel Basketball (DBTB).


Section 2. Fiscal Year

Except as otherwise determined by the directors, the fiscal year shall run from July 1st through June 30th.


Article II. Purpose and Objectives


Section 1. Purpose

The purpose of DBTB is to provide the Danvers boys in grades 5-8 the opportunity to play competitive basketball in an organized, supervised, and safe environment.


Section 2. Objectives

A. Provide boys with instruction on fundamental basketball skills that can be applied in a competitive game.

B. Increase knowledge, enthusiasm, and appreciation for the game in a fun and constructive manner.

C. Instill the concepts of teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship.


Article III. Membership


Section 1. Regular Members.  A regular member in good standing is defined as being either:  a) An elected director, b) a head coach of a boys travel team during the current fiscal year, or c) an individual who has shown interest in contributing to the league and has attended at least two-thirds of the meetings of the Corporation in the previous 12 months.


Section 2. Player Members.  Any boy residing or attending school in the Town of Danvers in grades 5-8, and has been selected to one of the boys travel teams, shall be classified as a player member.  These members shall have no duties, obligations, or voting rights as it relates to the Corporation.


Section 3. Voting Rights.  Regular members in good standing, as defined in section 1 above, shall be eligible to vote at meetings of the Corporation.  Absentee ballots and proxies may be submitted, but only in writing to the President in advance of the meeting at which the specific vote is taken.


Article IV. Directors and Officers


Section 1. Definitions.  The Board of Directors shall be solely responsible for the administration and management of the Corporation and all of its resources.  The Board shall consist of three officers (President, Treasurer, Secretary) and six additional directors.



Section 2. Process.  Nominations for officers and directors shall occur at the final meeting of each fiscal year, typically in June.  Only regular members in good standing may make nominations.


Section 3. Term.  Each director shall be elected for a one year term at the annual meeting at the beginning of each fiscal year.


Section 4. The President shall:

A. Conduct the affairs of the Corporation and execute the polices established by the Board of Directors.

B. Provide general supervision and control over programs and activities, and is authorized to make operational decisions on a day-to-day basis, subject to Board review as necessary.

C. Preside over all meetings or appoint a designate if necessary.

D. Appoint committees and individual Board members to special projects.

E. Have signature authority for all financial transactions not completed by the Treasurer.


Section 5. The Treasurer shall:

A. Receive all monies paid to DBTB and deposit in the league account.

B. Pay invoices for materials and services provided to DBTB.

C. Keep an accurate accounting of all financial transactions and present a report to the Board at each regular meeting.

D. In conjunction with the President, prepare an annual budget and present to the Board for approval.

E. Be responsible for all corporate and tax filings with the IRS and state government.


Section 6. The Secretary shall:

A. Prepare, distribute, and maintain written minutes of all meetings.

B. Be responsible for maintaining all written records, documents, and correspondence related to the activities of the Corporation.

C. Maintain a current roll of all Officers, Directors, and Regular Members, and have a list of eligible voters at each meeting.

D. Be the liaison to the web master for content placed on the league web site.


Section 7. The Tryout Coordinator shall:

A. Organize and oversee the tryouts for grades 5-8 each fall (late October).

B. Secure facilities, equipment, and volunteers for each tryout session.

C. Work with evaluators (e.g. coaches) on an appropriate tryout format.

D. In conjunction with the President and the coaches at each level determine the composition and communication plan for final rosters.


Section 8. The Coach and Player Development Coordinator shall:

A. Recruit, review applications, and nominate head coaches to the Board for approval.

B. Organize and recommend clinics and other resources (web sites, etc.) to assist coaches.

C. Research, recommend, and publicize camps, clinics, tournaments, and other development opportunities for players.


Section 9. The Division Coordinator shall:

A. Represent DBTB at all league meetings (e.g. Cape Ann, Eastern Leagues).

B. Provide the leagues with required contact information for all DBTB coaches.

C. Ensure that all DBTB coaches are kept informed of league rules, schedule changes, and other information.

D. Provide the leagues with Danvers gym availability (sites, dates, times) for regular season and playoff games.


Section 10. The Purchasing Coordinator shall:

A. Purchase (as needed), distribute, collect, store, and keep an accurate inventory of uniforms for each season.

B. Purchase equipment (basketballs, etc.) and distribute to coaches.

C. Submit all receipts to Treasurer for payment.


Section 11. The Administration Director shall:

A. Perform CORI checks for all coaches and members of the Board of Directors.

B. Submit building permits to various schools based on published game schedules and practice calendars.

C. Coordinate postseason events and awards (banquet, trophies, etc.).


Section 12. The Fundraising Chairman shall:

A. Research and propose plans to the Board for fundraising events and activities.

B. Organize and coordinate fundraising events including facilities, permits, materials, volunteers, and procedures.


Article V. Meetings


Section 1. Annual Meeting.  The Annual Meeting of the Corporation shall take place on the second Tuesday of July each year, unless otherwise designated by the previous year’s President.  The sole purpose of the Annual Meeting is to elect the Board of Directors for the new fiscal year.


Section 2. Regular Meetings.  The Board shall conduct regular meetings no less than 6 times per year, at a date, time, and place designated by the President.


Section 3. Special Meetings.  The President may, at his discretion and with reasonable notice, call a special “Directors only” meeting for a specific purpose or subject.


Section 4. Quorum of Members.  At any meeting, a quorum shall consist of at least 5 Board members in attendance.


Section 5. Meeting Rules.  Except as otherwise noted in these Bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings.


Section 6. Action without a meeting.  The Board of Directors may take action without a meeting by a majority vote by phone, e-mail, or postal mail.  Reasonable notification and effort to contact all Board members must be made by the President in order to conduct business in this manner.


Article VI. Resignations, Removals, and Vacancies


Section 1. Resignations.  A Director may resign at any time with written notice to the President or the entire Board.  The resignation shall take effect immediately or as specified in the notification.


Section 2. Removals.  A Director or any other regular member may be removed by a 2/3 majority vote of elected Directors, given reasonable notice and opportunity for the individual to be heard prior to the vote.


Section 3. Vacancies.  Vacancies on the Board of Directors may be filled by a majority vote of elected Directors.  The new Director shall fill out the term of his/her predecessor.


Article VII. Amendments  

These Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote at any meeting with a quorum present.  A motion to amend the By-Laws must be made in writing and presented at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which the vote is to take place.


Article VIII. Miscellaneous


Section 1. Indemnification.  The Corporation shall indemnify and hold harmless each officer and director of the Board from any and all claims, demands, and actions asserted against them as the result of acts or omissions made by these individuals as members of the Board of Directors or otherwise in connection with its operations.  No indemnification shall be provided for acts or omissions which are unlawful, or constitute intentional wrongdoing or gross negligence.


Section 2. Solicitation and Disbursement.  Solicitation of funds in the name of the Corporation are prohibited unless all such funds raised are immediately given to the Treasurer for deposit in the league account.  Disbursements of funds shall be for the sole purpose of DBTB and its operations.


Section 3. Non-compensatory.  No Officer, Director, coach, or any other Regular Member of DBTB shall receive, either directly or indirectly, any salary, compensation, or emolument from the Corporation for services rendered.


Section 4. Code of Conduct.  All Regular members are expected to abide by the same Code of Conduct as the families that are registering children in the program.


Section 5. Dissolution.  Except as otherwise required or permitted by law, by a two-thirds majority vote of the Directors, the Corporation at any time may petition the state for its dissolution.  In such circumstances, after all debts and claims have been satisfied, the remaining assets of the Corporation shall be transferred to another federally incorporated entity serving similar objectives (as directed by the Board of Directors), and are exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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